Saturday, August 4, 2012

Does God exist?

It has been said, "There is no direct, verifiable evidence of the existence of a God."

The Universe is the direct, verifiable evidence of the existence of a power greater than ourselves that some people call God. And I take it one step further: I am the individualization of God, as are all things in the Universe. The scientific discovery of energy, something that can be manipulated, is also the direct, verifiable evidence of the existence of God. If you consider the definition of God, it overlays precisely onto the definition of pure energy with these two exceptions: consciousness and intelligence. But then, where do consciousness and intelligence come from, what is their source, if they didn't come from the only one thing that is constant in the Universe: energy. If consciousness is something separate from energy, then there are now two distinct and mutually exclusive properties in the Universe. And if there are two mutually exclusive properties of the Universe, what is their source? The conundrum is this: if there is a source of "something," can that source be "nothing?" Because if it were "something," then it, too, would have to have a source.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Church and State

“Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin told ministry students at her former church that the United States sent troops to fight in the Iraq war on a 'task that is from God.' In an address last June, the Republican vice presidential candidate also urged ministry students to pray for a plan to build a $30 billion natural gas pipeline in the state, calling it 'God's will.’”  Associated Press, September 3, 2008

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Why the Christian Right Distorts History and Why it Matters

Actually, the title of this blog comes from the following source:

It really irritates me that a few men in high places are trying to drag this country into another religious war.

John Blanchard was the coordinator for The Assembly 2007, a Christian nationalist extravaganza led by televangelist Pat Robertson in April of that year. "They did come ashore dragging a cross... We were started as a Christian nation," Blanchard told The Virginian-Pilot newspaper, "and I feel it's God's purpose we stay a Christian nation."

Sunday, January 13, 2008

The 'new' Iranian threat

To President Bush and his cabinet and his advisors:

I am totally against any "confrontational" actions against any country, including Iraq and Iran, but not limited to just those countries.

It appears to me that President Bush is once again war-mongering over his issues with Iran.